This video has been doing the blog rounds, It’s not the most amazing song but the video is pretty heavy, from the same guy who made Pill’s Trap Goin Ham video. (Is there a reference to Luda’s verse in Method man’s “Rodeo” in there?

The Back story is pretty interesting though. Trouble is part of Duct Tapin, Alley Boy’s crew/record label.
Apparently they’re legitimately heavy in their part of Atlanta. Ex-Grand Hustle artist Yung La recently got the Duct Tapin Logo tattooed on his cheek. Alley Boy Said it wasn’t on as he wasn’t part of Duct Tapin and just wanted to look affiliated, so he advise Yung La to get it removed/Covered up. Yung LA said he’d keep it, Trouble/Alley Boy beat him down and Yung La now has a massive Dodgers cover up job.

Beat Down is around the 2:00 mark. Sound of Yung La’s voice is that he wasn’t really there of his own free will…heavy.